All Diagrams and Animation from Actual IBEX Analytics Studies

Verification of Safe Discharge Locations for Relief Valves
Once constructed, CFD models can provide a wide range of very accurate answers to facility design questions such as the verification of Safe Discharge Locations for Relief Valves. CFD results can also show areas and environmental conditions with potential for accumulation of gas within congested areas or under canopies;
11- Predicting Gas dispersion behavior near and over congested plant areas and buildings or close to air handling units such as Cooling Fans and HVAC intake ducts has always been a challenge when using free-field tools such as PHAST and CANARY. CFD is well capable of this type of analysis.


After a few seconds

And at a later phase
The above arrangement clearly does not represent a Safe discharge location. With the addition of details such as a building HVAC intake and/or a Thermal Oxidizer, CFD models can be used to identify a Safe location for the discharging RV. The same facility-wide models can be used to perform Safe Discharge Location analysis and verification for entire projects consistently, quickly and economically.
Verification of Safe Discharge Locations for Relief Valves
Study Results: PRV and the Stagnant air intake close to the Boiler Stack: 20%LFL, 50% LFL Isometrics